Friday, December 20, 2013

Quilting Traditions Continue

While my daughter was home for a long visit she ended up getting hooked on fabric! The next logical step was that she wanted to try and make a quilt. She quickly informed me of a quilt she made when she was a very little girl. I might have to search and dig up a photo of it and I don't really remember it. Well, it didn't take long for her to come up with a plan. She loves all the civil wars fabrics and their color ways. She also knew she wanted to make a quilt she saw in a movie that Johnny Depp was in. So after much searching on the internet to show me what it looked like, we were well on our way with a plan of action. Coming up with a pattern was the harder part. She wanted triangles but not normal triangles, tall. elongated ones. Making a template was the key. Decided to just wing it, as long as they are all the same size, there shouldn't be an issue right? Well, she did struggle a little, but kept at it. And only ripped out a few! "Just make it work", a good friend always said, so we followed that advice. Shopping for fabric she thoroughly enjoyed. What's not to like with that!

So after much cutting and sewing, she was making progress. I assured her pressing was a necessity. She was quite the trooper with the iron!

The finished project!
I tried to get her to quilt it but I think she had had enough by this point. Maybe the next one.......
She said I could quilt it however I wanted. So I choose to do just some simple arches inside of all the triangles.

I was so proud of her and her accomplishment! 
And it turned out just like she wanted, which is always a joy!
Way to go baby!